
5 Books Every Prepper Should Have In Their Library

5 Books Every Prepper Library Should Have!
Whether you're just getting into prepping or you're well established you want to make sure you have these five excellent books in your library. They collectively fill knowledge gaps that could be critical in a crisis situation.

Below is a list of 5 Excellent Prepper Books that I think every prepper should have a copy of. I will note that on the DIY book I acknowledge any thorough DIY book meets the intent. I just listed it because it was one I’m rather fond of. Upvote the ones you like the list is dynamic and will place them in order by votes. Let’s see what the prepper community thinks on the subject.

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5 Books Every Prepper Should Have

Here is a list of 5 books that every prepper should have in their library. Although it is not all inclusive it does provide an excellent diverse source of information.

Source: http:www.omagc.com


Where there is no doctor

Mar 05, 2015
Where there is no doctor

Hesperian's classic manual, #Where There Is No Doctor#, is arguably the most widely-used health care manual in the world.

This 2013 updated reprint features new information on tuberculosis and HIV, updated medicines, anti-retroviral therapy, and preventing HIV in babies.

All Hesperian books are regularly updated and reprinted to reflect accurate medical information.

Useful for health workers, clinicians, and others involved in primary health care delivery and health promotion programs, with millions of copies in print in more than 75 languages, the manual provides practical, easily understood information on how to diagnose, treat, and prevent common diseases. Special attention is focused on nutrition, infection and disease prevention, and diagnostic techniques as primary ways to prevent and treat health problems.


The Encyclopedia of Country Living, 40th Anniversary Edition: The Original Manual of Living Off the Land & Doing ...

Mar 06, 2015
The Encyclopedia of Country Living, 40th Anniversary Edition: The Original Manual of Living Off the Land & Doing ...

Author Favorite
The bestselling resource for modern homesteading, growing and preserving foods, and raising chickens, The Encyclopedia of Country Living includes how to cultivate a garden, buy land, bake bread, raise farm animals, make sausage, can peaches, milk a goat, grow herbs, churn butter, build a chicken coop, catch a pig, cook on a wood stove, and much, much more. This comprehensive resource is the most authoritative guide available to a sustainable lifestyle and living off of the land.

Carla Emery started writing The Encyclopedia of Country Living in 1969 during the back-to-the-land movement of that time. She continued to add content and refine the information over the years, and the book went from a self-published mimeographed document to a book of 928 pages.

This 40th Anniversary Edition reflects the most up-to-date resource information and the most personal version of the book that became Carla Emery's life work. It is the original manual of basic country skills that have proved essential and necessary for people living in the country, the city, and everywhere in between.

Carla Emery's The Encyclopedia of Country Living contains 1,000,000 words, 2,000+ recipes, and 1,500+ mail-order sources (for everything she tells you how to do, she also tells you where to get the supplies to do it). This book is so basic, so thorough, so reliable, that it deserves a place in every home.

Table of Contents

1 Oddments
2 Introduction to Plants
3 Grasses, Grains & Canes
4 Garden Vegetables
5 Herbs & Flavorings
6 Tree, Vine, Bush & Bramble
7 Food Preservation
8 Introduction to Animals
9 Poultry
10 Goats, Cows & Home Dairying
11 Bee, Rabbit, Sheep & Pig
12 Appendix



SAS Survival Handbook

Mar 06, 2015
SAS Survival Handbook

The ultimate guide to surviving anywhere, now updated with more than 100 pages of additional material

Revised to reflect the latest in survival knowledge and technology, and covering new topics such as urban survival and terrorism, the internationally bestselling SAS Survival Handbook is the definitive resource for all campers, hikers, and outdoor adventurers. From basic campcraft and navigation to fear management and strategies for coping with any type of disaster, this complete course includes:

Being prepared: Understanding basic survival skills, like reading the weather, and preparation essentials, such as a pocket survival kit.

Making camp: Finding the best location, constructing the appropriate shelter, organizing camp, staying warm, and creating tools.

Food: What to eat, what to avoid, where to find it, and how to prepare it.

First aid: A comprehensive course in emergency/wilderness medicine, including how to maximize survival in any climate or when injured.

Disaster survival: How to react in the face of natural disasters and hostile situations—and how to survive if all services and supplies are cut off.

Self-defense: Arming yourself with basic hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Security: Protecting your family and property from intrusion, break-ins, and theft.

Climate & terrain: Overcoming any location, from the tropics to the poles, from the desert to the mountains and sea.



Where there is no Dentist

Mar 06, 2015
Where there is no Dentist

This 2012 updated reprint features information on Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART), a way to fill cavities without the use of a dental drill, as well as updated information on other training material and resources. This book is an important companion to Hesperian's classic book Where There Is No Doctor. All Hesperian books are regularly updated and reprinted to reflect accurate medical information.

Community health workers, educators and individuals from around the world use Where There Is No Dentist to help people care for their teeth and gums. This book's broad focus makes it an invaluable resource. The author uses straightforward language and careful instructions to explain how to: examine patients; diagnose common dental problems; make and use dental equipment; use local anesthetics; place fillings; and remove teeth. There is also a special chapter on oral health and HIV/AIDS, which provides the dental worker with a detailed, well-illustrated discussion of the special problems faced by people living with HIV/AIDS, and appropriate treatment.



New Fix-It-Yourself Manual: How to Repair, Clean, and Maintain Anything and Everything In and Around Your Home

Mar 06, 2015
New Fix-It-Yourself Manual: How to Repair, Clean, and Maintain Anything and Everything In and Around Your Home

In the prepper realm often books such as this are not thought of, however I consider them a great asset to have. Ultimately our goal as preppers is self reliance and being able to maintain and repair what we have on our own should be a part of that strategy.

The indispensable reference guide for every homeowner, guaranteed to help you maintain and improve your home while saving time and money. Covering everything from replacing faulty faucets and showerheads to curing the quirks of an air conditioner, this book provides step-by-step illustrated instructions, plus a comprehensive chapter on tools. Includes more than 3,000 instructional photographs, illustrations, charts, and diagrams. Let New Fix-It-Yourself Manual guide you through: * Fixing a broken dryer by testing the thermostat, thermal fuse, heating coils, etc. * Troubleshooting electric and gas range problems and fixing them * Reupholstering and reweaving chair seats * Stocking up on the proper tools and supplies for fixing electronics * Installing, testing, and repairing speakers, including maintaining proper polarity * Repairing broken handbags and suitcases properly and professionally * Fixing small engines in yard and workshop tools * Restoring broken air conditioners, heaters, and dehumidifiers * Safely disassembling, testing, and repairing a chain saw.



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