
Do You Really Need to Stretch, Or Is It All Hype?

Always Stretch

Stretching is widely regarded as a means of improving flexibility and preventing injury, but for many, it’s just a dull routine before exercise. Stretching can be pretty boring so often people rush through their exercises without really thinking about the reasons behind implementing certain practices before their workout. But truth be told, it’s not just […]

Gerber Bear Grylls Parang Machete Review

Bear Grylls Parang Featured Image

What is the Bear Grylls Parang? It’s a stout beast of a machete that makes relatively easy work of most of your wilderness hacking tasks as the Malaysian design is intended to. I’ve had the Bear Grylls Parang Machete for quite a while and use it frequently. It is generally the first tool I reach […]

Is The Thera Cane a Tool You Need? Modern Warrior Project Review

Shane Thera Cane Featured - 1200 x 600 px

What is the Thera Cane? In short, it’s an amazing tool that allows you to get at those hard to reach areas and provide a deep pressure massage feeling without the help of a partner. I absolutely love mine and have traveled with it for around the last seven years now. I don’t leave home […]

Do You Even Gua Sha

Do You Even Gua Sha - 1200 x 600 px

A quick look at an ancient technique that has surprising muscular relieving benefits.