
DIY Supermatch: The Ultimate Budget-Friendly Addition to Your Bug Out Bag

A man in front of a poster with the words diy super match.

Join Shane as he demonstrates a budget-friendly DIY project for your survival kit – the ‘supermatch.’ Perfect for bug out bags, this easy and effective solution ensures a long burn time, essential for any outdoor adventure. Learn to make this waterproof, redundant-proof fire starter now.

Ham Radio Review: Radioddity GD-AT10G Ham RadioHam Radio Review:

A Radioddity GD-AT10G radio with the words "radioddity gd att10g" on it.

For serious survival preppers, the purchase of a HAM radio is not a perk but a necessity. You want to be able to reach others anytime you need to in an emergency situation, even if the grid and all lines of communication have failed. One model that consumers enjoy at a fairly low price point […]

The Carrington Event: A Solar Storm of Unprecedented Magnitude

The Carrington Event of 1859, an unprecedented solar storm of immense magnitude, hit the Carlton region.

The Carrington Event of 1859 was a massive solar storm that disrupted telegraph systems and caused auroral displays visible in the tropics. Learn about the event’s significance and why we should be concerned about a similar event occurring in modern times. Find out how we can safeguard ourselves against future solar storms.