
Evasion: Establishing An Effective Hide Site

A man in a camouflage jacket with the words hide site simple guide.
Establishing an Effective Evasion Hide Site: A Simple Guide. Learn how to choose a location, create a concealed entrance, prepare the site, set up gear, and stay concealed.

Establishing an Effective Evasion Hide Site: A Simple Guide

When faced with an evasion situation, the ability to establish a hide site is critical to your survival. A hide site is a location where you can conceal yourself and your gear from enemies and be difficult to detect. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to creating an effective evasion hide site:

Step 1: Choose a Location for the Hide Site

The location of the hide site is crucial. Look for an area that is:

  • Concealed from the enemy’s view
  • Offers natural or man-made cover such as trees, rocks, or brush
  • Has a clear escape route and isn’t a dead-end location
  • Is at least 300 feet away from any trails, paths, or roads

Use this table as a guide to finding the perfect location for your hide site:

CriteriaIdeal Location
Concealment – VisionBehind a hill, outcropping, or brush
Concealment – SoundIn a ravine, gully, or behind a noisy feature such as a waterfall or stream
Cover – NaturalBehind rocks, trees, bushes or foliage
Cover – BuiltIn abandoned buildings, in a culvert or pipe, underground
Escape RouteDo not locate a hide site in a cul-de-sac or similar where it is easy to be trapped.
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Step 2: Create a Concealed Entrance for the Hide Site

Once you have your location, create a concealed entrance to your hide site. This entrance should be:

  • Concealed from view and covered by natural elements like trees, brush, or rocks
  • Large enough to fit yourself and your gear through comfortably
  • Inconspicuous and difficult to detect
  • Aligned with the dominant wind direction, so that scents are carried away from the hide site

Step 3: Prepare the Hide Site

Before actually installing yourself into the hide site, make sure to:

  • Clear debris and leaves that may make noise and alert enemies
  • Lay a tarp or poncho on the ground to keep moisture at a minimum
  • Cover it with dry leaves or debris to help insulate yourself
  • Camouflage the site with foliage and debris to help blend it in with the surroundings
A man is hiding in a grassy area.
Photo Credit Maryland National Guard : https://media.defense.gov/2015/Aug/04/2001266606/1920/1080/0/090811-A-YG824-016.JPG

Step 4: Set Up Your Gear in the Hide Site

Once your hide site is ready, set up your gear:

  • Place your backpack under leaves or foliage to help conceal it
  • Set up your sleeping gear and sleeping pad on top of your tarp or poncho
  • Store food and trash in smell-proof containers, and keep them at least 100 feet away from the hide site

Step 5: Stay Concealed

Once you’re in the hide site, it’s important to stay as concealed as possible. This means:

  • Avoid making noise
  • Avoid creating smoke or lighting fires that may create tell-tale signs of your presence
  • Maintain a low profile so as not to attract attention
  • Change positions frequently to avoid detection and attack

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07/26/2024 04:42 pm GMT

In conclusion, establishing an effective evasion hide site requires careful planning and attention to detail. This guide while not exhaustive provides a basic outline on establishing a hide site. By following these simple steps and taking care to remain concealed, you can increase your chances of survival in an evasion situation.



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