
Don’t Make These Critical Self Defense Mistakes

Man hold pistol. Selective focus. Self defense weapon

Mistake Cut Deep In Self Defense

Here’s the hard truth – you can find yourself about to get attacked at any time. You’re actually safer in the wilderness than you are in an urban jungle. Crimes occur on a daily basis during peace time.

Things only escalate and get worse during a crisis when law enforcement is busy helping first responders with the crisis. If there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that the criminal elements in society will pounce upon any opportunity to take what they can if they can get away with it without getting caught.

Self-defense – Wikipedia
Selfdefense (selfdefence primarily in British English) is a countermeasure that involves defending the health and well-being of oneself from harm.

Self Defense Needed During Times of Chaos

Self Defense Mindset

As a survivalist, you MUST be aware of this fact. Crime rises when chaos strikes. The first step to successful self-defense is accepting this. A Pollyanna attitude that everyone is going to be helpful and nice will just make you a victim to those with less than honorable intentions. You must be on guard.

Below you’ll find 7 common mistakes that people make which lands them in hot soup. You can be attacked at any time for no reason. Thousands of people have been killed for totally random reasons. Were they expecting it? No. Did they bring it upon themselves? No… but it still happened. Be aware.

  • Not being situationally aware

This is the biggest mistake of all. People blindly going around oblivious to their surroundings and possible threats is what makes most of them victims. Criminals are looking for weak, easy prey.

A woman who walks in a poorly lit carpark to her car while she scrolls through her Facebook account on her mobile phone is easy prey. She can be taken by surprise and dragged off into a more isolated location.

Another woman who has a head up and scans her surroundings as she walks to her car is more alert and situationally aware. She may even have one hand in her pocket gripping a stun gun just in case things go sideways. One look at her and many criminals will think twice because they can just sense that it’s not going to be easy to take her down.

You MUST be situationally aware especially during a crisis. Be wary of strangers who try to establish trust. Be aware of locations that are unsafe. Avoid underpasses and poorly lit areas. Have your windows up when you’re stopping at a traffic light at night. All these little things matter.

Choosing firearm for self defense
  • Not owning a firearm

As a prepper, you need a firearm. Your queasiness about it and your feelings about guns should not deter you from owning one. If you want to protect yourself and your family, it’s best that you get gun trained and own at least one firearm.

Should 2 or more people break into your house, unless you’re a martial arts expert, you’re not going to be able to take them down on your own. One shot from your gun, however, is enough to put the fear of God in these criminals and send them running.

Always remember that many criminals have no qualms about carrying guns or using them. You can either choose to debate the second amendment and be politically correct or you can survive. That’s all it really boils down to.

Female MMA fighter performs painful hand grab for self defense
  • Lack of unarmed combat skills

Sign up for martial arts like Krav Maga or Muay Thai. These styles of fighting are extremely effective in the real world because they employ the use of your elbows and knees. Krav Maga is especially brutal and effective.

Traditional arts like Aikido which focuses on wrist locks and throws are just not right for a violent encounter. You want techniques that are hard, fast and deliver maximum damage.

Having weapons is good but you may be in a situation where you don’t have one. Being able to fight is a skill that may save your life.

  • Not carrying non-lethal weapons

Carrying a gun is a great idea but some people may prefer to keep the firearm at home due to legal implications. If you do that, you should have a taser or a tactical knife or even pepper spray handy, just in case.

This is especially true for women who will find it much harder to overcome a male assailant. Pepper Spray may even the playing field if you use it right and take them by surprise. Make sure you have at least one non-lethal weapon with you to give you that edge.

  • No training

This speaks for itself. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. The best time to train is during peaceful times. Sign up for self-defense classes. Go to the range and practice your shooting. Get help from a professional instructor. Do what it takes to build your skills so that you’re a victor and not a victim during an attack.

Don’t Stick Your Head in the Sand
  • Head in the sand mindset

This is a mindset that millions of people oblivious to self defense adopt. They believe that bad things only happen to other people. Well, guess what? Those other people probably thought the same thing too. Crime can happen to anyone at any time. Be alert.

  • Giving up too easily

The determination to survive at all costs truly matters when you’re scared and helpless. The woman who puts up a fight will deter her attacker. The same applies for the man who is about to get mugged. Do not be easy prey but at the same time, exercise common sense.

If they just want your belongings, toss them on the ground and run off while the criminal bends over to pick up what’s on the ground. If their attention is not on the belongings, they probably want to inflict harm on you. Now, the gloves come off fall back on your self defense skills and it’s time to get brutal. NEVER allow yourself to be a victim.

Be aware of these 7 mistakes and avoid making them because they could cost you your life.



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