HAM radios, once the domain of amateur radio enthusiasts, have evolved into an indispensable survival tool for modern-day preppers. This is a community of individuals united by their desire for a reliable communication lifeline in unpredictable circumstances, or when the SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan).
Enter the Yaesu FT-891
Unlike many portable HAM radios that often necessitate a trade-off between functionality and size, the Yaesu FT-891 excels in both areas. It supports CW, SSB, and FM/AM operations and delivers a robust 100 watts of power, ensuring your signal carries across vast distances. Despite this, it remains energy efficient, consuming only 23 amps at full operational power.
The Yaesu FT-891
For the prepper on the move, the compact dimensions and lightweight nature of the Yaesu FT-891
When it comes to audio, the Yaesu FT-891 doesn’t disappoint. It utilizes 32-bit DPS for noise reduction, delivering crystal clear sound. Durability is another hallmark of this device, with the option to detach the head for mobile operations.
Buyers recommend familiarizing yourself with the menu functions and customizing the three quick-access buttons to optimize your user experience.
The Yaesu FT-891
The package includes an MH-31A8J hand microphone, an MMB-82 mobile mounting bracket, a DC power cord with a fuse, a spare fuse, an operating manual, safety guide, and a warranty card that offers 3 years of manufacturer’s warranty.
Also included in the bundle is the Ham Guides TM Quick Reference Card. This laminated guide is an excellent resource for new users to understand the device better and serves as a handy permanent reference.