
Survive and Thrive: The Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Survival Tools

Survival Tools Image

Discover the top nine essential wilderness survival tools that could mean the difference between life and death in the great outdoors. From a reliable knife to a water purification system, ensure you are well-equipped before venturing into the wild. Be prepared, not paranoid. Enjoy the outdoors!

Confronting Cognitive Dissonance: Mastering Mental Preparedness in the Prepping World

A man standing in front of a maze with the words cognitive dissonance for the prepper.

Understanding and Overcoming Cognitive Dissonance in Prepping Welcome back to the Modern Warrior Project, dear readers. Today, we’re stepping away from our typical physical preparedness discussions to delve into a mental battle you may not realize you’re fighting: cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance, that psychological phenomenon causing the unsettling feeling of holding two conflicting beliefs, can […]

Selecting the Perfect Survival Shelter Location: Basic Considerations

In the wilderness, finding the right location for your improvised shelter is crucial for survival. This article provides essential guidance on choosing the ideal site based on factors such as safety, resources, and protection from wildlife. From avoiding poisonous plants to assessing elevation and available materials, these considerations will greatly increase your chances of success in any survival situation.

Finding Water in the Wild: Tips and Tricks for Survival Enthusiasts

Autumn forest with creek

Water is a fundamental resource that is essential for survival, and this holds especially true for those venturing into the wild. As a survival enthusiast, knowing how to find water in the wild is crucial for your well-being and survival. In this article, I will share some valuable tips and tricks to help you procure […]