Beaumont Texas : CSC

After purchasing your tickets you will receive an email with registration details and welcome packet.
We’re excited to once again bring CSC to Beaumont Texas! Comprehensive Situational Control is the premier defensive mindset course developed by the team responsible for leading one of the US military’s most demanding survival-oriented programs. CSC provides students with a straightforward understanding of the elements of critical situations while simultaneously developing habits for avoiding them and skills to recover control. The system establishes a simple framework that can be easily adapted in response to any number of complex problems. CSC is the mental software that enables you to maximize your chances for overcoming any critical situation you encounter. The philosophy, principles, and fundamentals established in this course are sewn through every other class we offer.
Click Here to Learn More about CSC
This is the registration for the Beaumont CSC Course on August 20th at Orange Gun Clun in Orange, Tx. Seats are limited and prices will go up after the early bird special ends so sign up soon to ensure your spot at the best cost.
To see the general CSC course description please check out this PAGE
Grab Early Bird Pricing While You can!
Don’t Forget to add a Modern Warrior T-Shirt if you like. We’ll get your size during your registration.
Recommended Age is 16+ (Note: We don’t enforce a hard age limit, however this is a mature topic and in general appropriate for a mature minded audience)
This course involves interjected role play which simulates various situations. Some of those situations involve foul language and aggressive actions.
This is a classroom based program and completion and passing of the optional test grants a Comprehensive Situational Control Certificate from Modern Warrior Project. Those who do not pass or choose not to take the exam will be provided a Certificate of Attendance.
LEO Ticket Purchasers will be required to provide proof of employment.