CSC Course

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Diverse people in a seminar
CSC : Comprehensive Situational Control

Montgomery Alabama : CSC

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Diverse people in a seminar
CSC : Comprehensive Situational Control

Beaumont Texas : CSC

Comprehensive Situational Control is the premier defensive mindset course developed by the team responsible for leading one of the US

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Course Description

Comprehensive Situational Control is the premier defensive mindset course developed by the team responsible for leading one of the US military’s most demanding survival-oriented programs. CSC provides students with a straightforward understanding of the elements of critical situations while simultaneously developing habits for avoiding them and skills to recover control. The system establishes a simple framework that can be easily adapted in response to any number of complex problems. CSC is the mental software that enables you to maximize your chances for overcoming any critical situation you encounter. The philosophy, principles, and fundamentals established in this course are sewn through every other class we offer.

What is C.S.C.?

Comprehensive Situational Control is an in-depth and user friendly program designed to provide simple and adaptable solutions to a complex variety of dangerous encounters an individual might face. The course is intended to shape our Clients’ mentality and approach to daily life in such a way that they become highly proficient at recognizing and avoiding critical situations while simultaneously arming them with the ability to recover from those situations should the need arise.

It is best to think of C.S.C. as the “software” that enables our Clients to better employ the skills taught in all supplemental courses. Every technique introduced in follow on training is just a part of a readily available “tool box” which is applied in accordance with the principles of C.S.C. in order to quickly and safely resolve a critical situation. After all, anyone can be shown how to properly shoot a firearm or apply an arm bar. The real value in training with Modern Warrior Project comes from learning how to not have to, and then learning how to do it correctly if you have no other choice.

The bottom line is that C.S.C. is fundamentally aimed at instilling the proper mindset and mechanics of controlling and positively influencing your situation.

How does the program work?

C.S.C. delivers an unparalleled learning experience by uniquely blending the typical classroom setting with spontaneous, live action, immersive Interjected Role Play demonstrations and practical exercises. This combination allows Clients to fully invest in the learning process which produces the most efficient ratio of training time to improved performance.

Initially, Instructors clearly lay the academic foundation for Clients to effectively gain and maintain proper pro-active situational awareness, identify types of threats from straightforward to sophisticated aggressors, assess the physical and psychological tools being used against them, and prioritize appropriate avoidance techniques or apply the necessary corrective action required to regain control. Then as the 1 day course progresses, Clients will build on the basics by facing short duration scenarios which call on their ability to adapt what they have been shown to relevant, real world problem sets. This immediate feedback to Clients ensures they have a more complete understanding of the principles of C.S.C.

The true beauty of C.S.C. can be seen in how it supports our supplemental courses. A perfect example is the Concealed Carry installment of our Combat Shooting Dynamics: Pistol line. During live fire range drills, Clients will constantly apply topics such as Basic Threat ID, the use of Cover and Concealment, Practical Combatives, appropriate Posture, Critical Communication, and the proper Post Event Sequence, all introduced in C.S.C., to resolve dynamic critical situations likely to be encountered by a private citizen legally carrying a concealed handgun.

C.S.C. Topics:
• Types, Tools, and Goals of Aggressors
• The C.S.C. Chain
• The M-E-T Triangle
• The A.I.M. Method
• Levels of Awareness
• Gain & Maintain Situational Awareness
• Proper Posture
• Threat Identification
• Security Philosophy
• Methods of Avoidance
• Cover and Concealment
• De-escalation
• Trigger Points
• Barriers to Recovery
• Stress
• Practical Combatives Introduction
• The Post Event Sequence
• Critical Communication
• The Aftermath
• And More!

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