
Bugging Out : Dog Bug Out Bag

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Every dog owner should be prepared for any unforeseen event that may cause them and their dog to leave home quickly. Though situations like this are rare, we still have to prepare in case they happen. You want to be able to grab their bag out bag and start moving immediately.

Every dog owner should be prepared for any unforeseen event that may cause them and their dog to leave home quickly. Though situations like this are rare, we still have to prepare in case they happen. You want to be able to grab their bag out bag and start moving immediately.

The bag


First things first, you need to get a dog backpack or a saddle dog bag if your dog will make up most of the weight. Since there are varieties of dog bug-out bags out there, you should choose one with plenty of room to store about 3-days worth of supplies. It should have different pockets or compartments to organize and store things.


Your dog’s bug-out bag should be able to withstand any weather condition. Since an emergency could occur at any time, you need a bag that can handle anything.

Easy Access

Pick a bag that allows easy access to your supplies. If you have to unpack the dog’s bag before finding an item, it’s not a good choice for an emergency bug out.


Your dog bug-out bag should be able to do more than house your dog supplies. Most dog bug-out bags can double as a harness for people with big, strong dogs. Once you have picked out the right bag for your dog, train the dog to wear the bag with the items inside to prepare it for an emergency.

The Supplies

Your dog’s bug-out bag should contain at least 3 days worth of supplies, and it should still be lightweight. This way, it does not feel uncomfortable or heavy for you (or your big dog) to carry. The following items are lightweight and useful for an emergency bug out.

Dog food

When stocking up your dog food for a bug out, keep weight distribution in mind. This is important because your dog’s food will likely be the heaviest item in the bag. Where possible, go for dry food instead of canned food because they are lighter, or you can even separate the food into multiple small packaging bags.


While keeping even weight distribution in mind, ensure that you pack water for your dog’s bug-out bag. Instead of getting a large water keg, carry small water bottles. You should get a portable water filtration system and be ready to purify your own water on the go. 

Water-resistant coat and dog booties

You need to be prepared for all weather conditions during an emergency evacuation. Be sure to pack Dog booties and a water-resistant coat to protect your dog against snow and rain.

Poop bags

A poop bag does seem like a necessity during an emergency, but it’s important to always pick up your dog’s excretion, especially when you have other people with you at your camp out. You can also use your do bug-out bag during other events, so it’s best to pack a poop bag at all times.

First aid kit

Your pet should have a basic first-aid kit, and this should be packed in their bug-out bag. It should contain first-aid supplies like antibiotic ointment, bandages, tweezers, scissors, and any medication your dog may be taking.

An extra collar and leash

Pack an extra collar, just in case the one your dog has gets lost or breaks. You should consider getting a multi-purpose leash too that can be attached around the waist. It could be a lifesaver.

Comfort items

Emergencies can be very stressful on your dog, and to help make them feel at home, you should pack their comfort items. Things like dog treats and chew toys can help keep them calm.

Packing up your dog’s bug-out bag before any emergency happens is important. You know your dog better than anyone else, and you know their needs. Have their bug-out bag ready for any potential emergency and save yourself precious minutes during an emergency.



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