Discovering the Pure Bag Pro: An Innovative Water Treatment Solution

A man kneels by a river, pouring water from a blue container into the Pure Bag Pro filter. Text reads "Innovative Water Treatment, Anywhere!" A backpack and the container sit nearby, surrounded by lush greenery.

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Welcome back, Shane here with Modern Warrior Project! Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a unique water treatment filter—a product that stands out from the usual ones you’ve seen on the market. It’s called the Pure Bag Pro system. Whether you’re planning a long stay somewhere or need to provide water for a larger group, this system has got you covered. Let’s dive in and explore how this remarkable product works.

Unpacking the Pure Bag Pro System

The Pure Bag Pro is designed to be a game-changer in water purification. The system includes a few components that work together seamlessly. Here’s what you get when you open the package:

  1. PNG Purifier Packets: These handy little packets can treat around 2.5 gallons (or 10 liters) of water each. They’re versatile, allowing for both individual and collective use.
  2. Water Bladder: A generously sized water bladder that can hold the water you need to purify. Alongside, you’ll find essential accessories like clamps, a hose, and detailed instructions.
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03/20/2025 09:56 pm GMT

With these components, the Pure Bag Pro system equips you with everything you need for effective water purification.

How the Pure Bag Pro System Works

Setting Up the System

Here’s a straightforward guide to using the Pure Bag Pro:

  1. Fill the Bladder: Begin by filling the bladder with the nastiest water available. Ideally, you should pick the cleanest option you can find, but the system is designed to handle turbid sources.
  2. Add the Purification Packet: After sealing the water in the bladder, cut open a PNG packet and pour its contents into the bladder.
  3. Shake and Settle: Shake the mixture vigorously for about five minutes. You’ll initially see cloudy water—a sign that the purification process is underway.

“With some time, it’ll start to settle, and you’ll notice the water becomes clearer as impurities are drawn to the bottom.”

Filtering the Water

Once the settling process is complete:

  • Clamp and Drain: Attach the clamp to twist up the bladder. Drain out the settled impurities while retaining the purified water.
  • Enjoy Clean Water: The result is drinkable water ready to quench your thirst.

Dual System for Enhanced Filtration

The Pure Bag Pro isn’t limited to just one type of filtration. It features a secondary filtering system akin to a Sawyer filter. This straw-type filter can be backflushed to ensure continued use.

Secondary Filtration Options

You have a few choices with this portable filter:

  • Bottle Filtration: Simply screw it onto a bottle for direct filtration.
  • Hose Attachment: Connect it with the hose for an additional filtration layer or even drink directly from the source.

Benefits of Dual Filtration

Combining both systems provides an extra level of purification, ensuring you get water that’s practically “bottled water clean.”

The Pure Bag Pro in My Loadout

Though I won’t carry the Pure Bag Pro in my everyday kit due to its size, it has earned a spot in our loadout kit for certain scenarios. For example:

  • Vehicle Loadout Kit: Perfect for situations where you can evacuate with a vehicle and expect to stay in one location for a while. It provides a dependable and abundant water source.

Preparing for Emergencies

Having the Pure Bag Pro in a loadout kit adds a layer of preparedness when faced with the unexpected.

Why Choose the Pure Bag Pro?

The Pure Bag Pro shines as a versatile and effective solution for various water purification needs. Its ability to handle larger volumes makes it ideal for groups or extended stays in remote areas.

If you’re planning to invest in a reliable water purification system, consider the Pure Bag Pro. It’s a practical choice that offers peace of mind in ensuring safe drinking water.

Get Yours Today

Interested in the Pure Bag Pro? I’ll leave a link in the description below. Using my Amazon affiliate link helps support the channel, even though I’m not sponsored by the company. If you appreciate our content, a like, subscribe, or comment is always welcome.

Until next time, stay safe and prepared!

Thank you for joining me in this exploration of the Pure Bag Pro system. Water is an essential resource, and having a trustworthy purification system can make all the difference in any situation.



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